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Increasing audience engagement with Netflix Original Content
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An American over the top content platform and production company is searching for a better way to encourage its users to view its Original Content.  



ThE Problem

Netflix is struggling with user engagement to its original content and wants to develop a solution that can increase user engagement to their original content.


  • Adding a community feature for Netflix Original Content that allows users to chat and create a dialogue solely around Netflix Original Content


  • Integrate the third party feature "Netflix Party" onto mobile devices and limit its usage to only Netflix Original content. 


  • Add a "View by Era" feature for more specified searching and enhanced navigation 

Customer Benefits

Company Benefits 

  • The community page allows users to voice their opinion on Netflix Original content. Which creates user data Netflix can use to produce content that better suits its audience.  


  • Integrating Netflix Party onto mobile devices enhances the experience with Netflix Original content and directly correlates to the community page, producing useful data to produce consistent quality content.


  • Adding an "Era" feature helps users to search with more specificity, enhancing navigation and helping minimize search time. 

  • Building a community feature will help create a dialogue around Netflix Original content and help Netflix receive data on what users like and dislike. In turn, helping them develop content that is more successful.  


  • Integrating the Netflix Party feature onto mobile devices will help direct users to the community page, increasing awareness, engagement and data of Netflix Original content. 


  •  Adding an "Era" feature will help users search more specifically and assist in decreasing user search time helping Netflix retain engagement of all its content. 



63% of respondents used Netflix as their main streaming service  

  • We conducted a survey to better understand how consumers chose their preferred streaming service and how they integrated it's usage into their lives.


  • What we found is that predominantly most consumers use Netflix as their main streaming service.


  • Consumers also used close competitors services who offer a similar service with sometimes more robust features and streaming options.

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Heuristic Evaluation

Heuristic Insights

  • Users find it difficult to share content with their family/friends

  • No Integral Screen Sharing Social feature for users to watch content simultaneously with other users 

  • Users find it difficult to consistently find movies/tv shows to watch based on their interest

  • Users would find it helpful/entertaining to know which actors are performing in each scene  


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Competitive/Comparative Analysis 



Disney Plus


  • Layout is easy to navigate

  • Option to stream from other streaming platforms 

  • Option to rent or buy movies that aren't on Amazon  

  • Option to stream sporting events 

  • Information Hierarchy 

  • Movie/TV Categorization 

  • Flat navigation, tabs   

  • Group viewing 


  • Watchlist is not clear and visible 

  • No socialization feature 

  • Minimal Prime Original Content Promo


  • No notifications/descriptions while performing a task

  • No Coming Soon feature 

  • Subheadings are difficult to read  





  • Variety of quality content 

  • Categories easily displayed 

  • Partnered with Disney   


  • Not enough A-List Blockbuster Movies/TV Shows

  • Same day movie to stream release 

  • DC comic movie/tv selection

  • Cast button ( show cast of movie/show you're viewing ) 


  • Small selection of Original Content

  • Small collection of Movie/TV Shows


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We produced several prototype iterations based off the insights we received from the user research. We redesigned the homepage; homepage 1 is our updated version of the current Netflix homepage ( Original Layout ). We also produced a Community Chat, Netflix Party,  and View by Era Grayscale. 

Redesign Decisions
  • Moving Netflix Original Content to the top of page​
    • By moving Netflix Original Content to the top of page we believed it would increase the probability of users interacting with the content
  • Adding Community Page Icon
    • Adding the community page Icon on the homepage increases the visibility of the new feature, while increasing user interaction with Netflix Original Content. 
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Team Members

Dorian Duvall 
Indira Kurmanova
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DJ Lamb 
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Jeryl Etama 
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