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Raising Kellan the information hub for parents of children with developmental disabilities 

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The Problem

Parents are often left alone to find trustworthy websites that convey the emotional struggle of raising a child with developmental disabilities. Designing a website with knowledgeable and relatable content would ease parental anxieties and build trust with users.

How Might We?

  1. How might we establish trust between the user and the website?

  2. How might we make the website easy to understand for first-time users?

  3. How might we create a safe and informational community for parents of children with developmental disabilities?


Survey Insights

  • Majority of users surveyed were mothers that weren't first time mothers.

  • Majority had a co-parent helping them 

  • 75% of users felt they needed to ask for help with their children

  • 87.5% of users search the internet and their doctors for advice on how to raise their children 

  • 87.5% of users had experience with disabled people other than their own child



  • Competitors take a friendly approach to connecting with their users ​

  • Competitors used visuals a lot throughout their site and the tone is inviting and welcoming. 

  • Competitors kept their website simple with an organized navigation bar 


​Implementaion based on analysis


  • Adding CTA's 

  • Clearly Labeling 

  • Redesign Information Hierarchy 

  • Creating consistency to improve learnability/memorability  

  • Creating intuitive user flow 



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Competitive Analysis

Journey Map

Competitive Websites


Comparative Analysis

Through Comparative Analysis we found inspiration to
  • Modify the Global Navigation

  • Improve the CTA ( Call To Action ) 

  • Improve the Information Hierarchy

  • Create a more modern and engaging UI 

Journey Map

Comparative Websites

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Heuristic Evaluation

Using the Lemurs Heuristic Evaluation method we looked through the Current website features and resources and decided the most important things to focus on were.
  • Making all options clearly visible 
  • Keeping users informed about all the resources the site has to offer 
  • Improving the Information Hierarchy 
  • Adding a descriptive subtext below the sites Title on Homepage, giving insight into sites goals/purpose
  • Establish more trust between users and site by adding more bio info 

Heuristic Evaluation

Heuristic Evaluation
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Grayscale Wireframes


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Meet Kellan Page

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Meet Marsh Page

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Kellan Page 2

P5 Grayscale Raising Kellan Gray - 3.jpg
Homepage Redesign
  • Adding subtext on hero image to give users a better understanding of what site was offering upon entering site
  • Moving Site Owner/Writer bio info onto homepage to establish credibility and trust early in user navigation 
  • Visually representing subpages to increase user interaction 
  • Listing several podcast individually to increase interaction and usability 
  • Adding subscribe button to top of page to increase likelihood of user subscription

Meet Kellan Page

  • Created page to highlight Kellan's life journey and increase user connection 

  • Selected highlight moments in his journey and placed them beneath bio to increase visibility and user emotional connection during navigation 

  • Place Raising Kellan mission statement video at bottom of page.

    • From studying analytics it was found that having it at the top of page increase bounce rate 

Kellan Page 2​​

  • Created timeline of Kellan's life to establish a stronger emotional connection with users ​

Meet Marsh Page

  • Created page to highlight Marsh ( Owner/Writer ) credentials and history to establish a better connection with users and increase trust.

  • Included emotional prompts that users may be experiencing to help increase empathy and connection 

  • Added Podcast options at bottom of page to to engage user with helpful content/resources immediately after becoming familiar with Marsh and Raising Kellan

Style Guide 


Based on our research we chose the colors Cornflower Blue, Orange Yellow Crayola and Ocean Green
  • Cornflower Blue - represents positive hope for the future, inspiration, sensitivity and imagination.
  •  Orange Yellow Crayola - represent excitement, enthusiasm and can uplift, inspire boldness and promote feelings of happiness. 
  • Ocean Green - represents feelings of joy and cheeriness.
We felt that using these colors as our style guide would best match the messaging of Raising Kellan and would help evoke positive and calming feelings in their users who are prone to stress and anxiety because of their busy lives parenting a child or children with developmental disabilities.  
RK Style Guide.jpg
RK Style Guide Color Palette.jpg

Team members

Dorian Duvall

Tatiana Burke
Tatiana Burke Linkedin.jpg
Alison Huang 
Alsion Huang Linkedin.jpg
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View Mobile Prototype

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View Desktop Prototype

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