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SnaCk Heaven bringing you joy and uplifting your life one bite at a time

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The Problem

Snax Pax isn't able to connect with its audience other than direct consumer to seller via text or e-mail, which puts limits on their sales and productivity. Snax Pax wants to develop an online system, mobile site and app that will enhance its connection and accessibility with its customers to purchase its items 7 days a weeks, 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.

How Might We?

1. How Might We increase engagement with Snax Pax customer base?

2. How Might We create a website/app that allows Snax Pax customers to make orders from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day and 7 days a week? 

3. How Might We create an aesthetically pleasing, functional and easily navigable site/app for Snax Pax customers to purchase snacks, leave reviews and share with their friends?

4. How Might We deliver consistent quality, diverse flavor options and exceptional customer service and expand Snax Pax in retail markets worldwide?



Competitive Analysis

  • Competitors use large hi-fidelity images of their products â€‹
  • Competitors use descriptive, uplifting and exuberant language in congruence with their products​
  • Competitors use mostly use jovial colors such as blue, pink, light light greens, yellow and orange with an occasional bold color such as red on a white background    

Implementation Based on analysis

  • Creative intuitive user flow

  • Large hi-fidelity product images 

  • Easy learnability/memorability 

  • Bright and inviting User Interface  

Competitive Websites

Sugar Wish 

Competititve Analysis ( Melon Stroke ).jpg

( Click Me )


Candy Club

Comparative Analysis

Through comparative analysis I found inspiration to   

  • Create an engaging and modern UI Design

  • Implement easily navigable global navigation

  • Create an effective and simple Information Hierarchy 

Comparative Websites



Ben & Jerry




Snax Pax Persona ( Melon Stroke 2 ).jpg

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Journey Map

Style Guide

Light Cyanpromotes and encourages peaceful behaviors and calmness. They also encourage clear/rational thinking, thoughtfulness, cleanliness, hygiene, emotional control or repression of emotions.

Middle Blue Green- The color of restfulness and mental and spiritual balance. The calm shade has a natural dignity that is not contrived or “in your face.” Middle Blue Green's understated elegance encourages a calm, reflective mood. Brighter teal tones are unique and smart.

User Journey Map Template (Community).jpg

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Style Guide

Melon- The color of vitality and the sun, capable of instilling a sense of energy and vitality but also of stimulating imagination and self-confidence

Irresistible The color of universal harmony and emotional balance. Its contains the passion, power and energy of red, restrained by the introspection and quiet energy of violet. It promotes compassion, kindness and cooperation. The color magenta is a color of cheerfulness, happiness, contentment and appreciation

Purple Pansy-  Symbolizes nobility, beauty, and royalty

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Style Guide ( Snack Heaven ).jpg


Grayscale Wireframes

Welcome Page ( Snack H Grey ) .jpg
Sign Up Page ( Snack H Grey ).jpg
Login Page ( Snack H Grey ).jpg
Twix Crunch Page ( Snack Heaven Grey 2 (.jpg
Homepage ( Snack H Grey ).jpg
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Welcome Page ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
Login Page ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
Sign Up Page ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
Blueberry Granola ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
Comments ( Snack Heaven 3 ).jpg
Bundles ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
Cart ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
Bundles ( Snack Heaven ).jpg
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